Monday, September 21, 2009

Friday, September 25th is The Deadline to Comment on RFS2

This Friday, September 25th is the last day the EPA will be accepting comments on the proposed rule to carry out the renewable fuel standards.

If you have not done so already, those in the biodiesel industry are encouraged to submit their comments. The National Biodiesel Board has made this very quick and simple at their action center, available at Offering background information, links to the EPA websites and instructions on emailing your comments.

The NBB is making this so easy. They have created a quick form already containing a message. All that is needed from you is your name, city, state, and email address and submit. 20 seconds later and you’re done. You may event personalize your comments at this site as well.

The EPA’s proposed rule would eliminate soy based biodiesel from qualifying under the specific federal mandate for biomass-based diesel use. The future of the U.S. Biodiesel industry is at risk.Soy bean farmers and those in the biodiesel industry need to voice their opposition to this proposed rule.

Very critical sections of the proposed rule include the involvement of international indirect land use impacts and the greenhouse gas emissions calculations. Another concern is having to certify that feedstocks were grown on land already producing and if so a new certification system may be implemented.

To voice your comment before this Friday’s deadline Click Here.