Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Big Oil, A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Big Oil is at it again. This time masquerading as “Energy Citizens”, a group developed by the Washington lobbyist organization, the American Petroleum Institute. This group is orchestrating rallies throughout the country in their attempt to bury the clean energy and climate plan currently being considered by congress.

The Biofuels industry has had their fill of big oil’s attempts to frighten the public with their grim economic tales, and they are not alone. Operation Free, a group of leading Veterans and national security organizations is countering the big oil efforts by excoriating the claims of Energy Citizens propaganda campaign. Operation Free claims that Energy Citizens actions threaten our national security. Operation Free strongly supports the current Congressional action on clean energy and the climate plan that ends the country’s oil dependency, attacks global warming, and boosts national security.

To read more about this Click Here