Friday, October 16, 2009

Use More Biodiesel, Its good for you.

According to recently published research from the University of Idaho and the USDA, the use of more biodiesel will have a positive impact on reducing carbon pollution.

The study demonstrated that for every unit of fossil energy needed to produce biodiesel, there will be a return of 4.5 units of energy. Research also showed that the “energy in” to “energy out” ratio is energy balance. Because the main energy source to grow soybeans is the sun, soybean oil has a naturally occurring high energy balance.

Not only is biodiesel good for the environment, valuable by-products like glycerin are produced.

"This gives Americans even more reason to put their faith in the environmental and societal benefits of biodiesel," said Joe Jobe, CEO of the US National Biodiesel Board. "The Environmental Protection Agency should take this into account when considering biodiesel's greenhouse gas reductions."

Jobe says EPA should recognize that biodiesel production is growing more efficient, while oil exploration and drilling becomes more intensive each day.